Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – The original blue–suited, spikey-haired lawyer is back!
Are you a fan of murder mysteries and courtroom dramas? Then we’ve got the perfect game collection for you: The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is here! This collection contains The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, both being released for the first time outside of Japan as part of this collection. Set at the turn of the 20th century Japan and England, Chronicles introduces a robust cast of quirky and unusual characters, with tons of drama, comedy, and mystery. Get ready to crack some of the wildest legal cases in the world of fictional courtrooms.
Those familiar with the Ace Attorney games may already know that The Great Ace Attorney isn’t the first in the series, but if you’re new to or curious about it, let’s catch you up a bit and look back towards the series’ history.
The Ace Attorney series dates all the way back to the original release of Gyakuten Saiban (literally “Turnabout Courtroom”) in Japan in 2001 and, much like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, the games center around courtroom drama, murder mystery, and even some supernatural antics, all presented in an anime art style. The star of the show is Phoenix Wright, the main protagonist of the original trilogy of games. This spikey-haired defense attorney always fights for those who can’t defend themselves. He quickly rises to fame, becoming a veteran defense attorney that manages to turn things around in even the worst situations to secure a “not guilty” verdict!

There are many characters who support Phoenix on his journey. The plucky spirit medium Maya Faye, his stoic childhood friend and courtroom rival Miles Edgeworth, and the bumbling but kind-hearted Detective Gumshoe, all help – or hinder – Phoenix and company along the way. Throughout various cases and stories, Phoenix and his friends investigate various murder cases while meeting suspicious and unusual characters and grilling witnesses for clues. Investigations end up in the courtroom, where you use gathered evidence in heated trials to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence you’ve found. Throughout the cross-examinations, you’ll press for more info and raise objections after you find contradictions in testimonies. You may recognize some of the classic finger pointing from Phoenix and co., or the popular “OBJECTION!” and “HOLD IT!” speech bubbles.
All of this brings the perfect combination of courtroom action with a “Whodunnit?” style story! Throughout the years, the Ace Attorney series has continued with various sequels and side stories. Let’s take a trip back in time and meet an old, but just as astute, blood relative of Mr. Wright…
Rewind the clock to the turn of the 20th century, and set the stage for The Great Ace Attorney. Introducing Ryunosuke Naruhodo, ancestor of Phoenix Wright, and an up-and-coming defense attorney studying at a legal academy. Much like previous games, Ryunosuke will also investigate criminal cases with his comrades, such as his legal assistant Susato Mikotoba, and overeager detective Herlock Sholmes.
While retaining the classic investigations and trials gameplay, new features have been added to the mix incorporating more variety to investigations and courtroom battles. For example, the Dance of Deduction gameplay has you working together with Herlock Sholmes, identifying contradictions in the detective’s overeager (and usually incorrect) logical deductions to uncover new facts about the case.
Summation Examination is a new feature that takes place during courtroom trials. Analyze the arguments of jurors, and correct discrepancies in their thinking with persuasive arguments and evidence, all while proving your client’s innocence.
Source: Press Release | Official Site | Blog

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