Grab your camera and throw on your best horror cosplay for this spectacular event!
Spooky season is officially upon us, meaning that Horrorhound will be making an official return this weekend. For those unaware, Horrorhound is the number one horror convention in Ohio. It happens twice a year and features one of the best film festivals in the region as well as a host of horror icons for fans to interact with.
This year's con will feature 50 amazing artists. Some of the heavier hitters include Robert Englund, Tom Atkins, Lulu Wilson, Kevin Smith, Jason Lee, Kathryn Newton, and Alisha Weir. Not only are these amazing artists available for photo opportunities but the con will also hold Q&A sessions for their most memorable films.
Welcome to my nightmare... - Robert Englund (attending the event this weekend)
That’s right, Horrorhound promises to give you answers to those burning questions about Night of the Creeps, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Abigail, Scream, and Mallrats. For those who attend cons to learn tricks of the trade, Horrorhound also features an impressive lineup of educational panels.
First, we have Set Safety with Franklin DeWar on Friday. Saturday will feature a Costume Design workshop with Audrey Holcomb as well as a stop motion workshop with Jais Sardo. Fans of spreadsheets may enjoy Kim Bangesh workshop on film financing. Rounding out the day is Nikku Hearn-Sutton with a workshop on camera operations and labor. Sunday will feature a promising workshop on directing with TJ Cooley.
Now, any con worth its salt has an amazing cosplay contest. This year, in honor of Never Hike Alone 2, Horrorhound will feature a Jason Voorhees costume contest on Friday evening. If Friday the 13th isn’t your speed, make sure to check out the Horrors of Cosplay Contest on Saturday.
As always, the most impressive aspect of Horrorhound is its film festival. This year looks to ramp up the blood and gore a bit and features some impressive indie titles guaranteed to give you the sense of dread you have been longing for. This year, Horrorhound will feature 33 films for your viewing pleasure.
The most highly anticipated film will be Never Hike Alone 2, the sequel to the beloved Friday the 13 fan film Never Hike Alone. Other high contenders on the list will be New Fears Eve with Felicia Rose and Tim Traverse and The Time Traveler’s Paradox featuring Joel McHale. After the film festival, Horrorhound will host a myriad of script readings as well as a script competition.
In between the fantastic films and educational panels, you will want to spend some time destroying your financial freedom by visiting some of the amazing vendors that will be present at Horrorhound this year. Fans will be able to spend their hard-earned cash on collectibles, movie props, and some of the creepiest artwork imaginable.
While you have your wallet out, maybe head over to Ink Fusion Tattoo and experience the amazing body art that their 9 talented tattoo artist offer. If you get a full chest tattoo of Freddy Krueger, maybe Robert Englund will give you a nod. Probably not though.
Horrorhound will be located in the Sharonville Convention Center from September 13-15. Doors open for early entry at 4 p.m. Friday and close Sunday at 4 p.m. A platinum weekend pass will run $1200, while a VIP package for the weekend will cost $200. Early admission tickets are $80 and a traditional weekend pass is $70. Single day tickets are $30 for Friday and Sunday, while Saturday tickets are $40.