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The new BST AXN™ 1:15 scale Action Figures from TLS are hyper-poseable with up to 31 points of articulation using a modern armature system which brings the figures closer to life, killer paint details, super character likeness, interchangeable hands, multiple accessories, and great sculpt details, all at a super affordable price point of $15.99 SRP! With its amazing assortment and variety, BST AXN™ is the ultimate Action Figure mashup, representing everything from Anime, to Action/Adventure, to Sci-Fi, to Movies/TV/Cartoons, to Nostalgia.
The first BST AXN™ rolled out were in the Entertainment Section at Walmart, available now! Included in the set are an Anime assortment of Fullmetal Alchemist™ (Edward Elric™and Alphonse Elric™), Cowboy Bebop™ (Spike Spiegel™ and Vicious™), Naruto Shippuden™ (Kakashi Hatake™, and Naruto Uzumaki™). Following those were The Demon® (Gene Simmons, KISS), Angus Young (AC/DC™) and Slash™ (Guns N’ Roses) in the Music Section, and Gandalf the Grey™, Napoleon Dynamite™, and Lightning from Big Trouble in Little China™ in Entertainment! With other launch partners including Hot Topic, GameStop, Diamond Comic Distributors, and TLS international distributors and Target, this undoubtedly is going to be a BST AXNTM Holiday!
Also available now are the 1:15 scale The Spaceman® (Ace Frehley, KISS), Sauron™ (Lord of the Rings™), GizmoTM and Stripe™ (Gremlins™), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™, Avatar: The Last Airbender™, Buffy™ and Angel™ (Buffy the Vampire Slayer™, Rock LeeTM and Sasuke Uchiha™ (Naruto Shippuden™), Death Note™, Starship Troopers™, Ozzy Osbourne™, and more! All with killer sculpt details, tons of playability, tons of poseability, “swap-out” heads and hands, killer accessories, BST AXNTM insignia stands, and a secret BST AXN™ sticker included in every box!
Just look for the Killer B’s! BST AXN, BST FEATURES, BST ARTICULATION and BST ASSORTMENT, undoubtedly ALL for the BST PRICE! Taking over the Action Figure game, one peg at a time!

Available at the Following Retailers:
- Adventures in Kitch Aloha Floral & Gift Amazon Amphetamine Reptile Animation Magic Art Attack Toys Art Star Art Whino Artoyz Artransmitte Astro-Zombies Atama & Company Atom Plastic Austin Books & Comics / Guzu Gallery Auxpeer B Babo, Inc Banter Toys & Collectibles Barnes & Noble Baran Baran Base Ideas LLC Battle Damage Bean Pot Toiz Bedrock City Beefy & Co Big Apple Comics Big Bad Toy Store Blindboxes.com Booby Trap Boten LLC Brian's Toys Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery Broke Toys C Calendar Club Camiondepompier Captured Prey Cardboard Spaceship Clubhouse Comics Chubby Geek Colette Collect & Display Collective.at Comic & Figure Addicts Compound Gallery CoproGallery CornerStore Gallery Cotton Candy Machine Cubo Cult of Toy D Daddy Kool Records De Korner Duclos Toys Desierto Robot Diamond Comics Domy Bookstore Double Midnight Comics Dragatomi E EB Games Entertainment Earth Epic Heroes ESC-Toy Ltd Explosive Panda F Fab.com, ltd. Foosh Forbidden Planet, LTD Forbidden Planet, Int'l Frank and Sons Freak Store Fugative Toys Future Shock G Gamestop GeekStop Geeky Mamas Giant Peach Giant Robot Golden Apple Comics Gunnzo H Happy Panda Toys Hastings Entertainment Henryboy Inc Hi De Ho Comics Highland Toys Hot Topic I Image Anime K Kidrobot, Inc Kinkirobot Kokomo Toys & Collectibles Kuso Designer Toys LLC L Legacy Comics Lift Local Heroes London Miles Gallery Love Is Earth Lowbrow LLC Lulubell M Madness Games & Comics Magic Pony maziply Mechanized Records Meltdown Comics Mindzai Creative Shop Mintyfresh Mixi-Bang! Mondopop Mondotoyz Monkey Depot Monkey See Monkey Do Monkeyhouse Toys Mrs. Tiggy Winkles MSX Munky King Myplasticheart N Newbury Comics NGHTBRND Not Just Toyz LLC O Offbeat Art LLC Outer Rim Toys and Collectibles Outland Store Outlander Toys P Panik's Toy Box Paradise Toy Land PBM Express BV Phat Collectibles Pink Ghost Piranha Toys Plastic Chapel Plastic Cuture by TOC Play Imaginative Pop Monster Poster Child Prints Presto Gallery PuffMonkey Puzzle Zoo R Radar Toys Razor Rivet Gallery Rogue Toys Rojo Bermelo Rolling Robots Rotofugi S Secret Fresh Skirball Cultural Center Southern Fried Comics St Marks Comics Strangekiss Art Toys Stranger Factory Sub Urban Vinyl SURU T Tainted Visions TATE'S Comics+Toys+Videos+More Tenacious Toys TFSource.com The Artists Eye The Collectors Depot, LLC The House of Fun The Sound Garden The Vinyl Dead Things From Another World Think Geek Thinker Things Third Eye Comics This is Vinyl LLC Toitoy Tokidoki Toyko Hardcore Tomenosuke-Syoten Tomodachi Toy Art Gallery Toy Hell Toy Life Toy Tokyo Toy Wars Toykio Toynk Toys ToyQube Toys "R" Us Toy Wiz U Ultra Pop Undiscovered Realm Universal Studios Upper Playground Urban Pop Shoppe Urban-Toyz S.A.S V Vape Mastaz Vault of Midight Victory Art Villian Vinyl Destination Vinyl Fallout LLC Vinyl Monster Vinyl Riot, Inc Vivid Plastic VNC Toys W Wacko Waterloo Records X X-Treme Toys XCL Toys Y Yes Anime Yoyamart Yukifish Z Zakka NYC Zero Friends
About The Loyal Subjects:
The Loyal Subjects is one of the market leaders in art driven collectibles ranging from Vinyl Toys, Fiberglass Multiples, Prints, Apparel, Inflatables and Housewares - we try to bring some Jeff Koonsian energies to your living space! The Loyal Subjects™ promotes culture, story telling, interaction, fun, trade, and community – all the great ecosystems important to the experienced collector or excited newbie. Our products are more than just totems locked in a box and displayed behind glass. Come and experience the fun of Action Vinyls™, BST AXN™, Superama™, and For Keeps™!

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