Sci-Fi 3D is ready to lock 'n load in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and has a batch of early-access BETA codes to give away!
Are you ready to mow down your friends (or enemies) in Call of Duty MW3? Then we may have just the ticket for you. SciFi-3D has teamed up with Activision to get you those sweet beta codes for the big open event.
These will include early access to the pre-order phase (that goes live before each period where the general public can also join in). Read below on how to win. But first, let's talk some Duty...
To Do Good You Gotta Do Some Bad. - General Shepherd
Call of Duty MW3 is shaping up to be one of the best entries the series has seen in years. Sitting at an 88 Metascore, this is definitely one Call of Duty game that you won’t want to miss. Even fans who didn’t necessarily love the previous two installments of the game are praising MW3 as one of the most polished Call of Duty Games in years.
There are two main reasons for all of this applause. First, the story driven single player mode is immaculate. Providing intricate set pieces and storylines to follow as the player runs around in the pure mayhem and carnage that is Call of Duty. As always, the shooting is quick and snappy, and the gun physics feel comparable to any of the big name shooters out there. And if at any point the game feels too easy, players can always ramp up the difficulty setting a notch or two to get that sweet adrenaline rush going again.
The single player experience is obviously very important in any game, but the real draw of Call of Duty is and always will be its multiplayer system. And let me tell you, nobody does multiplayer like Activision does. This go around players will get access to sixteen new maps to run amuck in. All new challenges to complete, and a constant reward and leveling system to keep players wanting just a little more. Just wanting one more match has never felt truer than in MW3.
The upside of this is that players always feel like their time is valued in the game and that they are always progressing. The downside of course is that we all need to sleep eventually. But I’m sure a few months of four-hour nights won’t kill us. Now some of the returning aspects fans will recognize right away. Unlocking weapons by leveling have stayed. Only this time the weapons get their own set of levels. That’s right, not only do you need to grind out your character, but you will need to spend time ranking up your gear as well.
Leveling up your weapons will give them weapon proficiencies, which act as a kind of skill set for your weapon. This will allow you to further customize your layout before any given activity. Players will also see new game modes such as Kill Confirmed and Spec Ops mode. The biggest quality of life improvement for this new entry has to be the Call of Duty Elite system. The added menu item handles something that is very precious to Call of Duty Players, it tracks their kill death ratio.
This system keeps all of the important player information in an easy to use section of the game. This allows players to always be on top of how well they are performing and keep track of where they need to improve. If you are as hyped as we are about this release, how could you not be, then you will want to take part in the beta that is about to take place on Microsoft systems. Luckily for you, we snagged a few of the codes to give away to dedicated fans.
How do you win the early-access MW3 BETA codes?
Simplify follow SciFi-3D on our social media pages (the fastest way is to DM on Twitter) and hope to be one of the lucky winners. Will will choose from a pool of our most recent new followers, old fans and gamers over on Reddit. While supplies last.
If you don’t happen to be one of the lucky winners, you can still enjoy the game in its entirety on November 10th, 2023.