The Cincinnati Comic Expo is back...and they're bringing the legends of geekdom with them!
It's not often that such an amazing con sets up shop right in your back yard, but the Cincinnati Comic Expo has been inviting us to cover their event for years now. Every September, things have only gotten bigger and better. And our 2022 return looks to prove that with a Krypton-sized helping of awesomeness!
After a few recovery years due to Covid (which affected the entire con scene across the Tri-State), we can honestly tell you that the vendors have never looked better, the celebrities scheduled to appear are impressive as hell, and the crowd looks to pack out the Duke Energy Center in what is sure to be another overloaded, fun-filled weekend of geek and pop-culture goodness.
For those looking to check out the panels, you could literally spend all weekend just chilling out in the Queen City Room, where most the high-profile guest will be doing Q&As. That includes Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner (Star Trek), Doc Brown Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) and the original shark-week alum Richard Dreyfuss (Jaws). But by far, the highlight for any 90's kid will be the reunion panel of the voice cast of Batman: The Animated Series. This alone is likely to bring fans from hours away, just to be in the room when these vocal powerhouses reunite and take us back to Gotham (and our childhoods). These and many more, can be found here on the official Expo guest list.
I am vengeance. I am the night. I...AM...BATMAN!
Tickets are sold on the Expo's official website, via Groxtix. Single day, weekend and VIP passes are available (which offers special privileges, like early access and special seating at panels, plus more).
If you're looking to attend a special photo-op with your favorite celebrity, be sure to check rules and pricing online. Some require you to pre-register, while others may allow you to simply wait in line during designated times where the celebrity will meet and greet with the fans privately.
All celebrities will also be on hand at their booths, where you can purchase an autograph and more (each offers different services/rates, so please ask their handlers or assistants on the day of the convention what services are provided). JSA Authentication will also be in attendance, for those looking to add extra value to their collectibles and signature collections.