Prepare yourself for one of the biggest gatherings of horror icons since...well...perhaps ever?!
ScareFest celebrates its 14th year, with a jam packed line-up of celebrities. Attending the event will be guests from every genre of film, including comedy, sci-fi (near and dear to our hearts), and of course an abundance of horror legends!
And while we're VERY excited to get to attend an event with so many of our favorites all housed under one roof, the star of the convention in 2022 is clear. He's the man of your dreams, proveyor of nightmares and eater of worlds (wait...that's Pennywise). Anyway, you get the idea. We're of course referring to non-other than Robert Englund himself! Fresh off a stint appearing on the mega-hit Stranger Things, this will be a rare appearance by the actor at a convention in this part of the country. One die-hard fans won't want to miss!
And if that wasn't enough for all you autograph hounds, several cast reunions will be happening (including A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and many more). All will be available to sign merch and take pictures with fans.
Every town...has an Elm Street. - Freddy Krueger
In addition to the amazing celebrity guest list this year, you'll find a little something for everyone looking for spooky fun! Wanna get your picture taken with the Mystery Machine or the Jeepers Creepers truck? Check. Hang out with amazing cosplayers? Check. Into the paranormal and spirit world? Strap on your proton packs...'cause they got that covered too!
The event will be held at the Central Bank Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Tickets can be purchased at the box office (although many tiers are currently sold-out). Be sure to check the official ScareFest website for more info, and for your last chance to purchase day passes to the event.