Ohayocon Is Back Baby…Better Than Ever!

Open from January 31 through February 2nd in Dayton, Ohio

Ohayocon Is Back Baby…Better Than Ever!

The famed convention returns, with a new venue (and new showrunners) that promises this will be the start of an amazing new beginning!

One of Ohio’s largest conventions, Ohaycon, is making its return debut this January. The famed festival is known for celebrating all things anime and pop culture. Originally located in Columbus Ohio, the Festival has found a new home in Dayton Ohio following a dispute between the owners of Ohaycon and their volunteer staff. This new location not only opens them up to a new audience but can allow the festival to truly reinvent itself. Will this transformation be for the better? Why not head to Dayton and find out for yourself?

Along with the new location, Ohaycon’s official website has changed to Ohaycon.online. This new website promises that this years festival will take things in a new direction. Ohaycon 2025 will feature new programing, new guests, new promotions, and will feature an exciting theme based around folklore. Ohaycon 2025 will feature 13 voice actors as well as 3 industry speakers and a performance by the famed Salem Moon.

Pikachu, I choose you! - Veronica Taylor (as the voice of Ash Ketchum on Pokémon)

One of the most alluring events taking place this year will be the Fan Art Theater program. Contestants will be pitted against each other to create the best video mash up using their favorite songs and video sources. Those interested in taking part in the challenge can find the official ruleset here. This competition isn't just for laughs either. The winner will take home the coveted Fan Art Theater trophy and will obtain bragging rights for the year.

Now, it wouldn’t be a pop culture convention without a cosplay contest. Ohaycon 2025 will feature a 2 hour main stage cosplay event featuring reenactments of beloved films and series. This event will also feature contestants performing song and dance numbers to win over the crowd. For those who just want to show off their work but not compete, the competition will feature a limited number of walk on spots.

The contest will be broken down into 2 parts featuring 5 different categories. The first section will be based on craftsmanship. This section will be judged based on character cosplay, original design, and the Lindsay Mascot competition. The second section will be judged based on contestant's ability to perform. This area is split into two areas, the skit and musical act sections.

Not interested in cosplay? That’s ok. Ohaycon 2025 has plenty of other activities to keep you occupied. This year’s con will feature a K-Pop/J-Pop dance competition that is sure to get your heart racing. Contestants will be judged on their ability to rock it out and entertain the crowd. If you want to keep things a bit calmer, why not check out the Pajama Jam and make some new friends while enjoying some chill music?

If you are looking for a laugh at this year's Ohaycon 2025, you can always swing over to the Bad Dad Jokes contest. Contestants will duke it out one on one to see who can get the loudest groan per joke. The winner will leave the con with a prize fit for a horrible comedian. If that isn’t your speed, than the Ohaycon 2025 karaoke room is sure to provide you with a laugh or two.

Ohaycon 2025 will be open from January 31 through February 2nd. Tickets start at $25.00 for a sing Friday Pass. Saturday passes run for $30.00, with Sunday passes going for $25.00. Those who want to attend the full weekend can snag a pass for as little as $45.00. However, if you intend to go for the weekend, grab your tickets online as the price goes up to $70.00 at the door.  Ohaycon 2025 will be held at The Marriott at the University of Dayton.


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