Please credit the original artist and Sci-Fi 3D in any content created using our 3D models. If you find these free resources useful, kindly consider supporting the site. Click here to visit our donation page.
You will find artist credits, file format information, and previews listed below.
All our 3D models are featured in compilation packs, spanning various formats. They range from 3DS Max, Lightwave, Blender, and more. Each model will possess all its original resources and release notes included from the artist. Some scenes may require the remapping of textures or plugins. Since these are legacy files, Sci-Fi 3D cannot provide support regarding setup or rendering. Please consult your preferred 3D modeling community for assistance.
These archives are split into multiple parts, to provide easier access to those with limited bandwidth. Because of this, be sure you download each archive and extract all the necessary files properly (parts one, two, and three). To accommodate those with a faster broadband internet connection, you will find one larger update that combines each part (also listed below). These can range from only a few megabytes to several gigs, depending on the number of models in the pack. So we're making both versions available, for your convenience. If any issues with these packs are found, please notify the Sci-Fi 3D team immediately.
ALIEN drone
Franz Muenz (AN][ARES ) (Author)
OBJ (Maya) (1.61Mb)
ALIEN Marine
Nefedov Denis Wladimirovich (md3d) (Author)
MAX 6 (1.61Mb)
FBX (3.18Mb)
Alien Queen
Franz Muenz (AN][ARES ) (Author)
Blender (blend) (4.71Mb)
3DS (3.19Mb)
OFF (Object) (2.52Mb)
ALIEN Space Jockey
Sean Kennedy (Treybor) (Author)
LW 8.x (16.71Mb)
Aliens - Facehugger
James Bonner (Author)
LW 7.x (19.36Mb)
3DS (21.73Mb)
Aliens Atmospheric Processor
Sean Kennedy (Treybor) (Author)
LW 5.x (5.76Mb)